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MTHFR Genotyping


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Methylation refers to the biochemical pathway in which methyl groups (one carbon and three hydrogen atoms) are added to molecules. Because it is involved in nearly all of the body’s functions, it contributes to countless biological processes including:

  •  Detoxification
  •  Energy production
  •  Genetic expression/DNA repair
  •  Inflammatory, immune, and stress response
  •  Neurotransmitter balance
  •  Production and recycling of glutathione

An inability to methylate properly can disrupt any of these processes, ultimately compromising one’s health as the body is not able to effectively respond due to the shortage of methyl groups. Impaired detoxification, cardiovascular disease, neurological problems, and weakened immune functioning in general, are some conditions linked to undermethylation. 

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How it Works


1. Purchase your test kit

Your test kit will be delivered right to your doorstep. If you are located near our laboratory, you will have the option to come in to get your blood draw at no cost. 

2. Get your blood drawn

Visit our drawsite locator to find a draw site near you. 

3. Get Results

Results will be securely emailed to you within 2-3 weeks. Easily share results with your healthcare provider. 

As a laboratory, SpectraCell does not offer consultations directly to consumers on their lab results. We do provide educational materials that help them understand their test results however test results should always be interpreted in conjunction with other clinical information. Due to biochemical individuality, we encourage consumers to discuss their results with a doctor well-versed in functional medicine and nutrition. SpectraCell does not advise using lab results to replace a relationship with a physician or other health care professional and consumers should not rely on the lab results as professional medical advice.  Consumers should always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare provider concerning questions they have regarding a medical condition, and before starting, stopping, or modifying any treatment or medication.  The lab results are neither medical nor health care advice for any individual problem nor a substitute for medical or other professional advice and services from a qualified health care provider. The use of the lab results does not create a doctor-patient relationship. No information contained in the lab results is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. The consumer acknowledges and agrees that SpectraCell has not represented that lab results provided have the ability to diagnose disease, recommend treatment, or perform any other function that constitutes the practice of medicine. SpectraCell makes no warranties or representations and assumes no responsibility for any consequences relating directly or indirectly to any action or inaction the consumer takes based on the lab results. In the case of a health emergency, seek immediate assistance from emergency personnel.